Learning French vowels (A, E, I, O, U, Y) can be tricky for beginners, but with practice, you can master their pronunciation. In this post, we’ll share tips to help you pronounce French vowels accurately. Let’s dive in!

1 - The pronunciation of the letters a, e, o & u
Banane [bah-nah-nuh]: In this word, the "a" is pronounced as "ah", similar to the "a" in "father".
Semaine [suh-mey-nuh]: The "e" in this word is pronounced as "uh", like the "u" in "cup".
Casino [kah-zee-no]: The "o" in this word is pronounced as "oh", like the "o" in "go".
Confiture [kohn-fee-too-ruh]: The "u" in this word is pronounced as "oo", like the "u" in...Unfortunately the English language doesn't have a word with this sound! But with courage and determination you'll get there.
2 - The pronunciation of i & y
Difficile [dee-fee-seal]: The "i" in this word is pronounced as "ee", similar to the "i" in "ski".
Crayon [kray-yohn]: The "y" in this word is pronounced as "yuh", similar to the "y" in "yankee".
Système [sis-tey-muh]: The "y" in this word is pronounced as "ee", like the "y" in "Johnny".
Learn more about the French vowels with GoFrench
To improve your French vowel pronunciation, GoFrench is a great option for beginners. With a native tutor, you'll receive personalized guidance to build confidence and master the sounds of French. Don't wait - sign up for GoFrench today and start your journey to fluency!